Sunday, September 11, 2011

Pokemon Cake - Mew a Space Pokemon

My son wanted a Pokemon cake for his last birthday. I absolutely loves Pokemon thanks to all the new Pokemon DS games that are available. When he told me he would like a Pokemon cake I naturally assmed it would be a Pikachu cake. This would have been a very easy cake to do as I could have simply altered the Pooh Bear head cake I had done for my daughter's birthday.

Unfortunately for me my son had other ideas. He scoured the internet looking for pictures of Legendary Pokemon. These Pokemon must be the most angular and fiddly looking creatures I have ever seen. We discussed that difficulties of making a cake in the shape of these Pokemon and in the end we came to an agreement. Mew, a Space Pokemon, was settled on and a 'drawing' of him rather than an actual cake cut out in his shape. I used a bit more of the irresdescent dusting powder to give it a more 'spacy' feel. My son was very pleased.

Here is Mew. My drawing didn't turn out too bad, even if I do say so myself. My son declared it his best cake ever :)

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