I offered to make my friend Nicky's engagement cake. She asked for chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate.
I decided to decorate the top with fresh lilies. I cut the flowers to the length I needed, wrapped their ends in cling film and arranged them on the cake. I would have liked to use a professional florists foam meant for on the top of cakes but at the time I wasn't sure where I could get one.
I sift all my ingredients before I add them to either my cake batters or to icing mixtures to be sure there are no little lumpy surprises in the end product. It wasn't until after I had iced the cake (before I did the piping) that I noticed a patch of icing with little lumps of cocoa showing in it. I was SO annoyed. It was too late to do anything about it so when I delivered the cake I made sure that side was facing the wall. No-one noticed thankgoodness!